Tuesday, July 27, 2010

E is for Embroidery

   E is for embroidery, embroidered pillowcases to be exact. I can show you all of these now. It's fun to finish up projects and these were a long time finishing. But worth it. I wish the fabric weight was a little heavier. Just like everything else we buy these days they have skimped on quality. How do we as consumers demand better quality items without having to pay the big bucks?

Going to be a hot one today again. Everyone get your work done early and find a cool place in front of the fan later. I'm sure we'll be in for a bumpy ride when the storms come rolling in...b

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pillowcases!!! Some day I will be able to inherit your crafty skills and do work like this! :)
    We had the awful heat yesterday and storms last night. Today is cloudy but no rain so far.
