Saturday, July 24, 2010

B is for Bibs

   B is for bibs and bananas. I couldn't return this flannel back to the pile before cutting out a couple of bibs. I noticed the last time the gran-girlie's were here I could have used a few more bibs. Really any old excuse to make bibs will work as I enjoy making bibs out of cute flannel pieces.
   Right now Mr. B has my sewing room torn apart. We removed the carpet and for the time being the floor will be painted and left. With two cats out there the carpet just wasn't working.
   Hope you're all having a productive weekend!


  1. Does a case of pickles and a case of Hung.Hot count as productive? Hold it, also got Mother's wall art installed! Now that's productive!

  2. Well, I was waking up on the lake, walking the dogs, eating great food, took a boat ride, swam in the lake, found some geocaches on bike, had some more great food and all the while visiting with fun people. :)
