Monday, March 31, 2014

in the heat of the moment...

I quit my job!
No single reason...
just a lot of little things
 that have added up over the years.
Ten and a half years of being a self taught
 newspaper journalist hasn't always been easy.
I'm probably not retired...
I will definitely miss my paycheck every other week.
 I do have a few bad habits to support...
namely fabric and yarn.


  1. Hurray for heated moments!! Now you can do more of what you love to do. You and I will just have to hit the artfair circuit, from the other side of the cash register of course!

  2. Enjoy your break while you can! August will be here soon and then your other job should arrive. :)

  3. Sounds like the decision was one you've debated for awhile. Now. That is cleared out of the way, new beginnings can begin to grow . . . More time to knit and sew . . . and plan for the little one on the way . . . ENJOY!
