Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Like a fine wine...

No, I take that back...
finer than wine!

They should have special goblets to drink this from...
they should have tomato juice racks, closets and cellars...
and temperature controlled refrigerators...
and how about tomato juice tasting events...
we should be willing to travel hundreds of miles to see tomatoyards...

You should have to pay big bucks for my
Homemade Tomato Juice.
Because it's a true delicacy .

And a lot of work! ~b


  1. I am sitting here now dreaming of your tomato juice while I listen to your new favorite song. :) Will barter with you, one for the other. Ha!

  2. Looks great . . . how many jars?

  3. Mmmm! If we could market this stuff, we'd put V8 out of business!!
