Wednesday, August 22, 2012


I don't have diamonds or pearls,
or rare coins or books.
My treasures are our family recipes.
And today I dug out my recipe for Uncle Roland's Relish...
It only happens once a year and then it goes back into my vault.
To get to one of my recipes you have to be married into the family for at least five years.
Well, my sister Lisa has convinced me we need to start sharing
 some of our wealth and knowledge,
recipes, household tips, gardening
and vintage photographs.
It will be like going through a rehab for me,
I don't share nicely.
So we will be doing that, learning to share, on our new blog
(I will get a button here as soon as one of my computer savvy children help me out with it.)
be sure to stop and smell the vinegar today.


  1. I will help you put a button on for a jar of two of relish??? :)

  2. What if your a neice who wants a recipe or 2 or 3 or 4? What would she have to do besides marry into the family?
    Love Melissa

  3. I can't wait to see your new blog, Pickles and Petunias . . . busy you will be!
