Monday, August 27, 2012

bag lady

I was busy being a bag lady this weekend...
Saturday I shopped for fabric
and really scored I must say.
With the help of Mr. b I scavenged tables full of
upholstery and curtain ends and pieces.
I absolutely love bags made from upholstery fabric...
they remind me of the old carpet bags.
This bag is one of 4 that I have special orders for.
I say NO special orders but daughter knit and pearl
just keeps giving me more?
But...she makes a dang good partner
 so I better be good to her.


  1. Bag Lady Brodkorb!! :) I get my bossiness from my mother, so blame her!!

  2. LOVE YOUR BAGS . . .no more special orders?

  3. Have you ever heard of The Poppy Bag Co? Your bags remind me of theirs. Western Michigan, mother and daughter . . . I think they are on Etsy plus you can find them on line.
