Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Rally time

The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
is in full swing
here in South Dakota...

Loud motorcycles going down
I-90 night and day.
Our ambulance goes out to pick
them off the pavement several times a day.

People dressed in leather
with bandannas on their heads...
all trying to look like Hell's Angels
or other gang members?

Two little girls in summer dresses...
on their tricycles...
so much sweeter.
(and they're taking their rocks with them, ha.)


  1. William got to ride the real motorcycle, but he is far to young to go to Sturgis. Thinking we would drop him of with his great Aunt's and Uncle's and Grandma, while we head to the rally. We have a camper now so we may have to make the rally next year.
