Tuesday, August 2, 2011

flower child

One of our little granddaughters is just crazy about flowers!
She just can't resist admiring and picking them.

I thought it was cute when her and her sister
 started calling themselves Daisy (as in duck) and Minnie (mouse).
Our little flower child was appropriately Daisy.

With her nose to the ground she's always on the lookout for a posy.
 No flowers in her path?
 She's picking furry weeds and leaves, ha.
Grandma and her girls went outside
 and picked one of everything in our yard for a bouquet...
and yes, the bouquet had to include a few very pretty weeds.
Us three girls were very proud of our beautiful bouquet
 and stopped to admire and smell it every chance we got.

1 comment:

  1. I can smell them from here! :)
    Come on up and the four of us will scour the state for the prettiest ones. Lucy can be Pluto and well, Grandma has to be Goofy, right?!!
