Friday, March 26, 2010

Favorite Things...

Thinking about some of my favorite things today and my Sirius radio ranks right up there at the top. Couldn't live without it and consider it a very good investment when it comes to my sanity.

Remember we live in the middle of nowhere and any good stations stop short 12 miles on all sides of us. Lately I've been listening to the '60s and looks what playing! My favorite song "The Elusive Butterfly". Let's see, I was 13 when this song came out and probably dreaming about my first kiss, what to wear or what to do with this curly hair. We didn't get to listen to radio much, only at dance parties. I can still picture my dad making fun of the Beatles. Wonder what he would say about some of these artists? Lady Gaga? Kiss? P Diddy? I know what I think of a lot of them, ha. Sorry showing my age here. Oh my gosh is that Aquarius by the 5th Dimension playing? gotta go... b

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