Wednesday, February 1, 2012


It's February!
Or as I call it...
the longest month of the year.

But on the bright side...
we'll be celebrating Mr. b's birthday
Valentine's Day.

So in honor of the month I just had to start a pink project...

and the fact that I gave away
 my last pink baby flannel blanket this morning
prompted me to start crocheting on this sweet one.

Make it a "lovely" month...b

1 comment:

  1. Okay, this is getting creepy! Both of us doing a February post - I got out that flannel blanket (you gave me a year ago) to do some crocheting - I've been contemplating a white background on my blog, but just haven't done it yet! The Mental Telepathy waves are strong between here and Kimball!!!! Maybe that's why the cows are on the move?? Oh, and it's just lovely being your sister!!
