Friday, October 28, 2011

on my bookshelf

I highly recommend these two books by Jeannette Walls

The "Glass Castle" is unbelievable.
No one could make up the life these kids had growing up.
It's remarkable they turned out to be normal adults...
a tribute to the fact that being poor is no crime.
Pick up these books at your local library or bookstore...
or borrow mine to read with your
favorite tea in your favorite mug.
Wish I could share my son-in-laws tea recipe here,
it includes a bit of the ol' red eye.
Good for what ails you right?

Throw in a slice of banana bread hot out of the oven...

to enjoy a happy weekend!


  1. Im actually going to the library right now, so I am glad I stopped in for a quick blog to remind me!

  2. If you're coming my way you can bring all three! I'm ready for a good book. Banana bread goes good with wine doesn't it!
