Thursday, November 5, 2020

do I smell smoke?

 Today I made fire starters 

because in my opinion winter 

is the best time to have a bonfire.

I raided Mr. b's workshop for sawdust and wood shavings.
Then I clipped some evergreen branches in the yard.

The wicks are bits and pieces from candle making.

I found the cinnamon sticks in my cubboard.

The leftover wax from the bottom of your candles works great.

Just melt in a tin can immersed in water on your stovetop.

I think they will make great Christmas presents.



  1. What a great “winter festive bonfire” idea!
    I am borrowing your idea!

    1. correction,
      What a great fire starter for a “festive winter bonfire!”
      I am borrowing your idea!

  2. Those are definitely on my Christmas list!!!
