Monday, October 26, 2020


 The old farmstead we were at a few weeks ago has quite a few old buildings on it. 

As we walked by one of the buildings with our granddaughters 

I pointed out that an old witch lives in the basement.

  Boy, that got their attention.

internet image

I told them that I hadn't seen the witch but I could smell her.

Insert lots of questions here, I had to be on my toes with these two girls.


This is the actual entrance to the basement that we walked by.

I had fun editing the picture a bit.

My grandmother told my sister and I a long time ago 

that the boogey man lived in her basement.

Don't you agree that it is my obligation as a grandmother 

to carry on the tradition and scare my grandchildren too?



  1. This has been quite the story builder at home! To the day I moved out, I hated going into our basement at home after the haunted house!

  2. I can still see that witch standing over my bed upstairs in our first house in Springs. I was one and you were probably teaching me then! Your obligation to scare anyone started many full moons ago sister. I pity your grandkids!
