Monday, December 4, 2017

flying high

Dakota Man put this wood burner in his work shop.
He'll be able to spend more time out there this winter making toys.
We are tucked in today waiting for a winter storm to arrive.
These airplanes he made may be grounded.

And talking about flying...
this small hawk flew into our front window yesterday.
We are assuming he was going after our cat Birdie who likes to nap there.
Mr. Hawk was dazed long enough for us to get his picture
before he flew off.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a Cooper Hawk . . .
    We had one fly into one of our windows and
    shattered the window, and did more than stun the hawk . . .

    Great choice for the wood shop . . .
    Dakota Man has quite the talent.

    I hope the storm “happens” our way!!!
