Wednesday, September 18, 2024


 Scrappy is my name - Quilts are my game.

There's always five or more quilts going on in my little sewing sweatshop.

I dug out a bag of dem bones from the freezer and made broth.
It will soon be soup season and I want to be ready.

When I need a break there's a dishrag and a good book by my chair.

~b is for busy

Saturday, September 14, 2024



Does anyone else ever feel like they could use a vacation from their vacation?

~b is for buffalo

Thursday, September 5, 2024

crazy women

 I had to have a picture of this road sign in Wyoming?

I brought my sourdough starter along to feed it,
isn't that crazy?

We were headed for a drive through the Crazy Woman canyon in the Bighorn Mountains.
There was snow on the tops of them yet.

Life is definitely better in a camper.



 We are on our fall trip to Montana and Wyoming.

Yellowstone is a favorite of ours for some big reasons.

I got brave enough to watercolor one.

When we saw a buffalo burger and fries were $20
 we headed to the grocery store for a pound ($12) of it to make our own.

Our internet reception has been in and out 

so hang in there for more posts from me.
