Thursday, September 20, 2018

living Amish

We loved shopping at all the little Amish home shops
  we passed in the country...
We bought jams and jellies, noodles, sauerkraut, sandwich spread,
salsa, pear and apple butter, eggs and butter, fresh vegetables
and two handmade baskets.
The one thing I have always wanted is an Amish quilt.
And we saw some beautiful ones.
What you can see by my pictures is that I did not come home with one.
Mr. b encouraged me to buy one but my conscience won out here...
They are very expensive...over $800.
A lot of time goes into a quilt not to mention yards and yards of fabric.
I have been holding onto this pile of fabric for years and years.
Most of these pieces were used in my
variety store windows under my displays.
They are faded and soiled in places.
They are to be used in the Amish quilt I have been dreaming about.


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