Thursday, May 3, 2012

tis the season

It's rhu-barb season...

which also coincides with the same season that I am wondering
and planning how I'm going to fit into my summer clothes?

But NOT this year...
No Nope NOT this year!

I have made up my mind I am going to
 celebrate and enjoy rhubarb season.

So come on over and celebrate with me.
We'll raise our glasses to rhubarb season...
and it may even be with rhubarb wine.


  1. Oh my! That looks sooo good!!!

  2. I linked you to Farm Fresh Friday! This pie just looks too good not to share!!

  3. Well we are in the north...and we are still waiting for our rhubarb...suppose to turn nice next week..I'll have to see how our's is coming along... I've seen so many rhubarb posts...can hardly wait to have mine!

  4. I thank you for visiting dolly's designs and I thought I would pay you a visit. I don't know why most women no longer wear aprons but it does save your clothes...You certainly just made me hungry with this post.
