Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Jim Beam

 It seems Mr. b is pulling out all the stops for this year's smoked turkey.


Sunday, November 24, 2024


 We have this discussion at least once a year at our house when we ask each other which ethnic food we love the most or if we could only have one type which would it be. We usually agree it is between Mexican and German.

Yesterday it was German when I made these herb buns and sauerkraut soup. Remember when we made sauerkraut? I still had some of it left for the soup.

Both were delicious. I probably make soup twice a week. It really stretches my food budget when prices are what they are. I'm glad we aren't feeding a family of four or more. It also provides multiple meals giving me more down time from the kitchen.

~b is for Brotkorb

Friday, November 22, 2024

Books and Coffee

Or good coffee with a good book.

Todays post office delivery included both. We got hooked on pecan coffee the first time we were in Texas and have been buying it every since, there or online. Thrift books is my go to for used books.


I told you I am on a roll to finish up old projects and this scarf was one of them. 

When I picked up this entrelac scarf to finish I had to learn the technique all over again. Very frustrating. I'm vowing to do better.

NOW I am on to a slipper, cable headband and a fingerless glove.


Friday, November 15, 2024

While the autumn days of November days go by

 Dakota Man is in his workshop making snowmen.

It's not until he starts the turning process that you see the beautiful grain in the wood.

The finish he applies further brings out all it's beauty.


Tuesday, November 12, 2024

leaves and pumpkins

 It's the perfect time of year to be working on a Falling Leaves quilt.

I picked up these three fat quarters in a cute quilt shop in Iowa.

36 six-inch squares and 18 twelve-inch squares...I probably won't finish it this year.

But it is fun to be working on a seasonal quilt that is in season.

Then there's this quick pumpkin.


Saturday, November 9, 2024


 The first time we visited Montana we stopped at a sheep farm 

where I bought this wool yarn for a scarf.

I've been working on it here and there for quite awhile.

It was beautiful yarn to work with in heather tones. 
Wool comes with a few pieces of straw to pick out as you knit.
It's hard to go back to using acrylic yarn once you've used a natural fiber like wool.

It's a rainy Saturday here and I have white chicken chili simmering on the stove and a good book to read while I consider my next unfinished knitting project. Yes, I did get that second sock done.


Tuesday, November 5, 2024

American Gothic

While we were driving through Iowa last month we decided to stop at the site that the painter Grant Wood was inspired by to paint "American Gothic."

It's one of my favorite paintings. It seems the painting was controversial...Iowa felt it was being poked fun at. Did you ever read any stories about the movie "The Bridges of Madison County" which we also stopped by for a picture. The farmers of Iowa were sure their wives 
would never commit to such goings on. But who knows what a lady would do if Clint Eastwood came knocking at her door.

 Mr. b finished this picture for me when we got home. 
I'm so lucky that he also does the framing for his pictures.
