Monday, April 29, 2019

jolly friends

I was pretty much glued to my little sewing sweatshop this weekend.
Thank goodness our refrigerator always contains lots of left-overs.
This dolly was definitely a challenge.
Foreign instructions will throw off even a veteran.
I am so happy I still have a couple of
 granddaughters that play with dolls.
Hey, hey, oh playmate,
Come out and play with me.
You’ll bring your dollies three,
Climb up my apple tree.
Cry down my rain barrel,
Slide down my cellar door.
And we’ll be jolly friends
Forever more.
My mom sang this song to us
when were little girls playing with our dollies.
Now I need to make a couple more dolls
which may include one for myself.


  1. I dont know what is cuter, the doll or that picture!

  2. Thanks for that song, remember her singing it after I was too old for dolls.
