Monday, July 16, 2018

inspiration required

Mr. b brought three small crates of berries home from the grocery store...
blackberries, strawberries and raspberries.
I quickly threw a crust together and made a pretty skillet pie with them.
He also smoked a large pork butt which called for some large buns.
I made the dough in my bread machine then made these buns.
It was so easy. I wonder why we ever buy store-bought bread?
Everything I did over the weekend rotated around piecing this quilt top.
I discovered 21 completed squares in a box my mother gave me.
I made 35 additional squares and put them together.
By now you know I love a scrappy quilt!
What inspired you this weekend?

1 comment:

  1. What beauty you are creating .
    Skillet pie and a quilt . . .
    I have been inspired by no humidity, blue sky, gorgeous weather!
    WOW . . . such a treat!
    Good book too!
