Thursday, October 10, 2024


Somedays I feel like Goldilocks. This block is too small, this block is too large.

This orange is too orange, this orange too pale.

I've been digging out all the fall colors in my little sewing sweatshop.

Dakota Man has been making me these little wooden measuring cups.

You know in case I get my own cooking show.


Friday, October 4, 2024

American Gothic

 Sometimes Mr. b chooses his next paint-by-number and sometimes I choose.

I'm a fan of the picture "American Gothic" 
and I like that it was based on a house the painter Grant Wood saw in Iowa.

So this is what's going on in Mr. b's little corner of the house as we head into fall.


Wednesday, October 2, 2024


 It's officially soup season here which means 

I don't have to hide the fact that I like soup year round.

Todays selection is chicken and rice.

I'm celebrating with a new flour sack towel that I embroidered.
I see where I forgot to stitch that heart in the O so gotta go...


Friday, September 27, 2024


 We discovered there is some boy left in Mr. b when we saw this moose LEGO kit on our last trip.

He purchased it and enjoyed putting it together.

I think there may be more LEGO kits in his future?

We saw this moose four years ago in the Tetons.


Sunday, September 22, 2024

Dakota Man

 Mr b has a unique hobby. One that I love. Wood turning.

Yes, I am a lucky woman

Today he is in his workshop turning a large pecan bowl.
He was lucky enough to receive a larger wood lathe 
from my brother who is downsizing, THANK YOU!
We picked up the large piece of pecan in Texas. 
That was a fun excursion that we may make again on our next trip to the hill country.

Happy Fall! (finally)

Wednesday, September 18, 2024


 Scrappy is my name - Quilts are my game.

There's always five or more quilts going on in my little sewing sweatshop.

I dug out a bag of dem bones from the freezer and made broth.
It will soon be soup season and I want to be ready.

When I need a break there's a dishrag and a good book by my chair.

~b is for busy

Saturday, September 14, 2024



Does anyone else ever feel like they could use a vacation from their vacation?

~b is for buffalo